We Help Parents, Kids, And Families With Potty Training, Bedwetting, And Enuresis
Discover What You Need To Know About Bed Wetting And How To Help Your Child Achieve Dry Nights...
"This is so much cheaper than seeing a pediatrician or a pediatric urologist for a 15 minute visit!"
I Was That Guilty Feeling Kid...
This is something that we help families deal with every day. We know the frustration you and your child are going through. We understand the sleepless nights spent waking up and needing to change out sheets or figure out different sleeping arrangements often with a kicking little one in bed with you. We understand the guilt that your child feels when they wanted to wake up dry only to wake up to soaking PJs and sheets.

Trust me when I say I understand. I was that guilty feeling kid who was hiding his sheets and trying not to sleep on the wet spot. I have been that parent stripping the bed at 3 am to put new sheets on for the second time that night. I am the pediatrician talking to the parents who have felt like they have tried everything to keep their child dry at night. I understand what you are going through.

I decided to do something about it for all of us. I want to help that guilty feeling kid, the frustrated parent and the overworked pediatrician all of whom feel like they have done everything and have no where else to turn. I teamed up with a pediatric urologist who not only has specialized in bed wetting but has developed some of the best selling bed wetting products on the market. We put together a course that hopefully will take care of your child's bed wetting problems forever.

Our course also comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you feel you did not get your $45.00 worth in our program you can get your money back. We don't guarantee your child will be dry at night in 30 days, but we guarantee that we have given you the tools to get them there is 2-3 months, which is probably significantly shorter than when you will get there without us.
What You Get When You Join This Course...
You will understand bed wetting from the point of view of a pediatrician and a pediatric urologist.
We will teach how daytime scheduling can lead to drier nights.

We give you a plan and options for treating bed wetting.

The video training includes:
  • Potty Training Maintenance for Bedwetters
  •  The Connection between pee and poop and how this helps with bedwetting
  •  Bed Wetting from the point of views of both a pediatrician and pediatric urologist
  •  Potty Training Relapses that can lead to bedwetting
  •  Guilt of Bed Wetting
  •  Trouble Shooting Bed Wetting
  •  Medicines Used to Treat Bed Wetting
  •  Gizmos Used to Help with Bed Wetting
  •  Malicious Potty Accidents
You also get a copy of Dr. Preston Smith's book:
The Complete Bedwetting Book

We include several of our exclusive bed wetting reward charts for both, boys and girls.

You'll receive an exclusive discounts on our best-selling bed wetting products (bed wetting alarms, reminder watches, bedding, etc.)

Finally, it's all backed by our 30 day, money back guarantee!
Contact Us:
Potty University
6804 Baum Drive
Knoxville, TN 37919
Phone: 1-865-584-6700
Fax: 1-865-584-6703
Copyright 2018. Potty University, LLC all rights reserved